ul. Łaciarska 5/1F (City Center)
50-104 Wrocław

Phone: 0048 71 344 78 33
Mobile: 0048 510 052 679


The „Dens” company was founded in Wroclaw in 1988. Since the very beginning it has been managed by Mrs Lidia Kudzbalska, a specialist in dental prosthetics. Supported by a stable team of associates (including her husband) and constantly emerging “young guns”, she offers top quality dental services based on the highest world standards. Her job – always focused on a patient and his/her smile – gives her a lot of satisfaction and joy. The same mood is demonstrated by her son – Paweł – who is currently a student of dentistry. As Lidia Kudzbalska offers also post-graduation professional trainings for dentists, there is a lot of new professionals who can learn from her. High standard created by the company ensures its constant progress. And a number of satisfied patients grows day by day!


We treat more than teeth. We treat the whole person, hence our comprehensive dental care for all who need it. Satisfaction of a cured patient is our priority. We do our best to make sure that the mere thought of visiting our offices put a smile on your face. For that reason, a big smile has become our logo.

We are aware of the fact that a visit to a doctor is something more than only encountering a professional. We know that a patient is the most comfortable in warm atmosphere, just like home. Hence, in our offices you will be offered not only a professional service, but also care for your comfort and convenience.

Why with us

  • We are a team of specialists in every field of dentistry
  • We use the most modern equipment and materials from world renowned suppliers
  • Our therapeutic methods are based on latest achievements of medical science
  • We constantly increase our qualifications, participating in trainings, courses, conferences and symposiums
  • We offer not only an efficient service, but also patient’s safety and mental comfort
  • We guarantee a warm and cordial atmosphere
  • Our personnel is to your service, offering help and care
  • We cooperate with renowned prosthetic laboratories
  • We offer a warranty for treatments given in our offices
  • The company has three branches in various locations in Wrocław, including the very centre of the Old City
  • Finding us and getting there should not be difficult to anyone
  • We are open 5 days a week, 8 a.m. through 8 p.m.
  • We like our job

We offer services for patients participating in the Lyoness Partnership Program Lyoness.

To save your time, please make a phone appointment.

Range of dental services
  • Surgery

  • Implants

    • 3I Biomet
    • Mis Seven
    • Alpha-Bio
    • Osteoplant
    • Nobel (optional)
  • Canal therapy

  • Hypersensitivity

  • Orthodontics

  • Teeth grinding

  • Periodontology

  • Prophylaxis

  • Prosthetics

  • X-ray

  • Conservative dentistry

  • Teeth whitening

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Getting there – just like to the main market square and Galeria Dominikańska mall.
Entrance to the building from Oławska Street.